Monday, December 10, 2012


Elephantie is having trouble with blogs. She only started yesterday, so if you know anything about blogging, help!

*Elephantie's note:




  1. To have comment rules and commenters, follow these steps:
    Step 1: Go to the blogger dashboard and click your blog. Step 2: On the left side there should be a bunch of buttons including something that says 'settings' click settings. Step 3: Under settings, there are more buttons. Click the one that says 'posts and comments'
    The rest is pretty clear on the page. ^^

  2. Here is how to add pages to your blog. :)
    Step 1: Go to the blogger dashboard and click your blog. Step 2: Click the button that says 'layout' Step 3: click 'Add a Gadget' on any box.
    Step 4: Scroll down the pop-up gadget window in the Basics section and soon you'll find a gadget that says 'Pages'
    Step 5: Click the blue + symbol next to the Pages gadget and you can title your pages and stuff. But you're not done yet!
    Step 6: If you did all the steps before right, there should be another button on the left that says 'Pages' click it.
    Step 7: Now you can edit pages and add new ones!


Hello! I am an elephant! ()( . . )()
Please don't be mean to others, or this will happen. ()( .v.)()
Also, please avoid telling other users that something is fake.Some users believe in Santa, or the magical cheeseburger XD
Peace! v()(. .)()